If you remember, i was Christianed Wild Boar during the Anniversary Run in February. Well, i've had a new haircut since then, as i was panting more than i was Dashing, due to the extremely hot and sluggish weather. Anyway, looks aside, it was my turn to lay the run for this month's Dash. We went to Tagore Lane, a place i've been wanting to check out for the longest time. Woo hoo!! Boy, was i glad for my lack of fur, as we cut through a "virgin" trail. As the men were busy hacking a path for us, Mum managed to take some photos...
Aunty C is really into nature, so she stopped to look at many interesting things along the way. Luckily, we didn't run into any creepy crawlies, if not we would have lost Mum along the way!
Then came 5pm, and it was time for OnOn!! After 3 hours of laying the trail, i knew it very well, and Dad and i Dashed ahead! Bond, as usual, was with Mom. We lost them within the 1st minute as i'm the Alpha Wild Boar!!
All great things must come to an end, and it was a picture-taking finale...
Wild Boars deserve to cuddle up to their Dads some time, especially when they were the Hares...